Friday, May 8, 2009

Our Baby Girl

Nathan and I have finally chosen a name for our beautiful baby girl.

We chose Allissondra Elizabeth! =D

We chose this name because it was something we finally agreed on lol. Also it meets our expectations of what we wanted a name to be. I have always loved long names for girls. I think Allissondra is very elegant and beautiful for her name. We chose Elizabeth after my mother. I always knew since I was young that I would give my first girl the middle name of my mother. =D We also liked Allissondra because we could give her the nickname Alli. A nickname was really important because we knew we wanted a long first name, so we had to consider the possibilities. With Allissondra we get the best of all worlds! We have the long, elegant name with the short gorgeous nickname =D

We love our name choice and she seems to love it too! Right after we decided on the name I said it to her and she started kicking around and moving a ton! So I took that as a good sign. =D

We can not wait for her to get here in late September or early October! We have been working on our baby registry at Target and are really excited for the shower and her arrival! We have everything picked out, it just depends on what people decide to buy us and what we have to get ourselves.

We are going to do the nursery in lime green with pink accents. That way we can hopefully reuse the bedding for our next baby, no matter the gender. We can reuse the pink and green for a girl or just the green for a boy =D See we like to think ahead lol

We'll keep you updated!


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