Friday, April 24, 2009

Ready for Baby?

I have come a long way since February 4th when I found out that I was 6 weeks pregnant. Now here I am at 17 weeks and ready to find out the sex of the baby. =D

Nathan and I have thought long and hard about names, our registry, parenting methods, baby showers, and what we thought the gender would be. But we know nothing can prepare us for the future, whether that future is 6 days away when we find out the gender or 5 months away when I give birth. What we do know is that we love this baby no matter what and that we are ready.

I have noticed throughout this pregnancy that some things aren't great, some things suck and other things are better than I thought. I love being pregnant but hate it at the same time. I hate being sick in the mornings. I hate being exhausted all the time. I hate not being to eat what I want or when I want. I hate not being able to sleep. I hate feeling out of control of my body and emotions. I hate not being able to work. I hate not being able to get out of bed. I hate the migraines! I hate the back pain. I hate that none of my clothes fit anymore. I hate the cravings. I hate the nausea. and I hate my extreme sense of smell! But I do love feeling the baby. I love picking out baby names. I love looking at baby clothes. I love my maturnity clothes. I love the thought of being a mom. I love feeling the baby kick. I love thinking about the boy or girl to come. I love the fact that Nathan is my husband and that he is the father of my child. I love the idea of having a baby.

It does seem that the hates out-do the loves, but sometimes thats how it is. Don't get me wrong... I do love being pregnant. I just hate the side effects! I want many kids, well as many as Nate will let me =D. I only had my mom and sister growing up and I never really had that sibling experience. I want a lot of kids bc I want them to have what I didn't have.

I am really excited to find out on April 30th what I am having. I feel so bad calling my baby IT lol but I can't call it anything else except baby. But soon that will change =D

I am also really excited for my baby shower! My mom and I are in the process of planning it. We have found a place to hold it (if we can book it) and we are working on the details now. I am hoping people will chip in with the food. I am inviting a lot of people and would like to have an actual meal. Like sloppy joes, potato salad, chips, cookies, veggies and fruit, and maybe some other stuff. But I really dont want just sandwiches but I'll do what I can. It just depends on money =D

Also Nathan and I have two boy names and two girl names picked out. Of course the names depend on the gender. We are thinking we will keep our top two names secret until the baby is born, and make our decision once we see the baby's face..but that is just an idea. We will probably decide which name we want before that. =D

We will keep everyone as informed as we can with the information we get.


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