Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm pregnant! <3

Nathan and I took a pregnancy test yesterday afternoon. We were unsure if it was going to be positive or negative and were trying to be as calm as possible while the test set. Nathan was so cute sitting on the couch watching the clock, waiting for three minutes to pass..and he jumped up so quick when the time was up. I got to read the test first and turned around with it in my hand and looked at Nate and started to cry. It was a mixed feeling of surprise, happiness and utter shock. We were both expecting it to be negative even though we had a feeling it would be positive.

The whole reason we took the test was because I was a week late for my period. I have never been more than two or three days late so it was a pretty big deal when I was late. That was when I went out and got the test just in case. As more days went by I got more and more nervous and finally told Nate that I wanted to take the test.

The poor baby looked like he was going to throw up when he saw the results. I didn't know whether to cry or smile or hug me or what. He was so cute! Of course we were both in a kind of shock but we knew it would be okay.

We know that we are blessed. We were not trying to have children for another couple of years and we look at this as our own little miracle. If it wasn't meant to happen then it wouldn't have happened. That is the way we are looking at it!

We are so excited and can not wait to get on with the pregnancy. We can't wait to do ultrasounds and hear the heartbeat. We can't wait until we find out the sex of the baby!

After taking the test and calling our parents we went to walmart to get the proper vitamins and some other stuff. We couldn't help but go in the baby section and look at the clothes and toys and strollers and cribs...already deciding which ones we want if its a boy and which ones we want if its a girl.

I think I am only a month or so along. But hopefully I can find out for sure when I meet with the doctor. I go tomorrow to get the proof of pregnancy and get the medical card and food stamps. Then I should be able to choose an actual doctor and start really getting into the whole preggo thing :-D

Nathan and I would love to recieve blessing and good wishes from everyone. We are nervous about miscarriage and have people praying for our first time pregnancy to go to term. We already love this baby and want it to live a long healthy life.

Nathan has already started rubbing my belly and kissing my belly. He is just so cute about the whole thing. You can tell he is excited and loving this. I am not even showing and he is already in love with my belly!! How funny is that!

1 comment:

Waldron Family said...

WEll, Jessica...this is a sweet post. I am so thankful you look at having a baby like this. You will be good parents. it has happened to the best of us and as long as there is a lot of love - things usually turn out pretty good. Take good care. Much love!