Friday, October 30, 2009

The Life of a New Mommy

Having Allissondra is the best thing that has ever happened to me! Closely followed by meeting and marrying Nathan, of course. Being pregnant with her was amazing all in itself, but actually having her to hold and love forever is truely a miracle!

Everyone says your lives change durastically when you have a baby, but ours didn't. We still are able to enjoy the things we did before Alli was born. We can still go out to movies and stuff but we choose not to because we love to just be with our families and with our baby. The only thing that really changed was our sleep schedule, and that hasn't changed too much. We tried very hard to prepare ourselves for the birth of our baby girl and by doing so we were prepared when she came. We had everything we needed and had everything together and ready. We waited so long for her to get here, and we were so happy when she finally arrived!

I can hardly remember life without the loves of my life: Nathan and Allissondra. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have them. True, Allissondra wasn't planned for Nathan and I, but it is something that we will never regret and have never regretted. She is the best thing to us and we love her so much! We can't wait to watch her grow and learn!

I would say the only downfall to being a young parent is that people act like we don't know what we are doing. They talk down to us and don't listen when we tell them specific things about our baby. It is very frustrating and depressing when people look at you like you are doing everything wrong. I am her mother and I know what she wants, needs and likes. I spend every day and moment with my baby and I know what she is like. I hate that people think I don't know. Nathan gets it too. That people just think we don't know what is going on or what to do for our baby. But we are good parents and know what our baby wants, needs and likes. I just wish people would respect us and listen.

We are very excited to have our baby girl and can not wait to have another baby. Well we can wait...but we are excited for when we decide to have our next. We are hoping once Allissondra turns a year old that we can start trying for our next little one. But that is a while from for now we are loving our first born and watching her grow and learn everything :-D

1 comment:

Jolene Warren said...

She is precious! I do understand what you are saying about being a young parent. I was one too... But to be the "devil's advocate", there were times when I look back and really wished that I had listened. You DO know your baby, but sometimes life teaches you more to mothering than you could ever even imagine... So take some of the advice and leave the other. But definitely hear people out... Good Luck to you both and I am sure that you will do what is best for your little precious one!!!