Friday, October 30, 2009

The Life of a New Mommy

Having Allissondra is the best thing that has ever happened to me! Closely followed by meeting and marrying Nathan, of course. Being pregnant with her was amazing all in itself, but actually having her to hold and love forever is truely a miracle!

Everyone says your lives change durastically when you have a baby, but ours didn't. We still are able to enjoy the things we did before Alli was born. We can still go out to movies and stuff but we choose not to because we love to just be with our families and with our baby. The only thing that really changed was our sleep schedule, and that hasn't changed too much. We tried very hard to prepare ourselves for the birth of our baby girl and by doing so we were prepared when she came. We had everything we needed and had everything together and ready. We waited so long for her to get here, and we were so happy when she finally arrived!

I can hardly remember life without the loves of my life: Nathan and Allissondra. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have them. True, Allissondra wasn't planned for Nathan and I, but it is something that we will never regret and have never regretted. She is the best thing to us and we love her so much! We can't wait to watch her grow and learn!

I would say the only downfall to being a young parent is that people act like we don't know what we are doing. They talk down to us and don't listen when we tell them specific things about our baby. It is very frustrating and depressing when people look at you like you are doing everything wrong. I am her mother and I know what she wants, needs and likes. I spend every day and moment with my baby and I know what she is like. I hate that people think I don't know. Nathan gets it too. That people just think we don't know what is going on or what to do for our baby. But we are good parents and know what our baby wants, needs and likes. I just wish people would respect us and listen.

We are very excited to have our baby girl and can not wait to have another baby. Well we can wait...but we are excited for when we decide to have our next. We are hoping once Allissondra turns a year old that we can start trying for our next little one. But that is a while from for now we are loving our first born and watching her grow and learn everything :-D

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Back in the room after the C-Section waiting on them to bring in Allissondra

Nathan in the room waiting on them to wheel me back in

Allissondra minutes after being born...already sucking her thumb =-)

Proud Momma and Pappa

Oh how she looks like Nathan!

Her first appearance into the world

Nathan looking nervous while we were waiting to be taken back for the C-Section

Me after being told I'd have a C-Section - scared but relieved

Nathan and I were scheduled to be induced at Ruby Memorial Hospital on October 8th 2009 at 8:00am. They started me on the cervix pill to soften and efface my cervix. That pill immediately started contractions for me. I had fairly strong contractions in the 100s within the first hour. Her heartrate was pretty strong at first, in the 1402 and 150s. It kept going down every once in a while but they would come in and turn me on my side and it would go back up right away. We weren't too worried about it. The first time her heartrate dropped really low was around 4pm or so. It dropped down into 60s and 70s. They immediately came in and gave me oxygen and turned me on my side. They had to break my water and do an internal monitor for the baby's heartrate. They also gave me a shot to stop my contractions so Allissondra could get a break from the constant contractions. Then around 7pm I got my epidural to calm down and relax so her heartrate would stay normal. Soon after that they came in to give me pitocin to get my labor moving a little faster. As soon as the pitocin went into the IV her heartrate dropped down below the 60s again. Once again a ton of nurses rush into the room and give me oxygen, turn me on all fours. Her heartrate would not go back up. The nurses checked me and saw I was still only a 4 1/2 cm dialated. They got really quiet and we knew that we would end up getting a C-Section. Then the doctor came in and told us that we would definitely have to get a C-Section for the health of the baby. Her heartrate just would not go back up and we were willing to do anything to get her out healthy. We were relieved to hear that we were getting the C-Section because then we didn't have to worry about something going wrong. So within minutes of her heartrate falling they came in and gave Nate his scrubs and had us sign the papers for consent. Then they wheeled me into the operating room to get started on my spinal tap. Nathan had to wait in the other room until they got things started. The scariest part of the whole thing was in the operating room while I was getting the spinal. They had me on my side holding a monitor on my belly to monitor her heartrate while they found a spot to insert the needle for the spinal. Her heartrate dropped all the way down into the 16s! I was so scared but had to remain calm as much as possible. I had oxygen and was just concentrating on breathing to keep calm to try to raise her heartrate. It was extremely scary because the doctors kept yelling to hurry with the spinal, that they had to get this baby out! It was so hard to hear all the things that were happening and remain calm at the same time. In what seemed like forever they had me turned back over and did their test cut to make sure I was numb. I just kept asking if Nathan was in the room yet. I wouldn't open my eyes because I didn't want to get scared or overwhelmed by what was going on around me. They had Nathan come into the room and he immediately grabbed my hand and asked if I was okay. I just said talk to me. Just talk to me. I'll be okay just talk to me. In what seemed seconds she was out. The first cry was the most amazing thing in the world. Tears immediately filled my eyes and I cried. Then the nurse came to see if Nathan wanted to come with Allissondra while they cleaned her and weighed her. He was so worried about me but I told him to go that I would be okay. Before I knew it he was back with tears in his eyes and our beautiful baby girl in his arms. She was sucking her thumb and just being adorable. It was amazing! They had Nate leave the room while they transfered me to the other bed to be wheeled back into our hospital room. Holding Allissondra was amazing the first time and every time since. Even though we were exhausted we were thrilled and wide awake.

The next couple days that we spent in the hospital are kind of a blur. I remember most of everything but what day things happened are mixed up. I remember falling asleep in the middle of conversations. The worst thing after the surgery was trying to get out of bed the first and second times to go to the bathroom. I could hardly stand to sit up in bed let alone try to stand and walk to the bathroom. I had to have nurses and Nate help me just to walk the couple feet to the bathroom.

It was a stressful time and crazy time but things are settling down now. Her sleep schedule and eating schedule are still getting worked on but they are starting to work out.

The worst thing out of this whole experience is breastfeeding! I hate it! I am still working with her and things are kind of getting better but far from right yet.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

STILL Playing the Waiting Game!

Nathan and I are still waiting on the arrival of our baby girl Allissondra. We have been hoping she would be here by now but she is being very stubborn!

We went in to the hospital today because we thought we were leaking amniotic fluid. I got checked and the test was negative. I also have not dialated any further (still around a 1). We were hoping to have her today or tomorrow but it doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon. We go in for a doctor's apt tomorrow and will find out when we are to be induced. We are hoping sooner better than later.

We will try our best to keep everyone updated as best we can. Hopefully we will have good news soon.