Monday, August 17, 2009

Counting Down - Getting Ready

So the time for Allissondra to be welcomed into the world is drawing ever so close! We are down to 6 weeks! Nathan and I have been doing a lot in preparation for our first baby girl to arrive but we have oh so much more to do.

We have received gifts from family and friends, and we appreciate it all so much! But unfortunately there is much more we need. Thankfully we have the most important stuff... the carseat, crib, bedding, dresser, changing table, diapers, blankets, clothes, bath stuff, diaper bag, binkies, bottles, cremes, lotions, receiving blankets, etc but there is much more to get. Including: hair bows and bands, piggy bank(not necessary but something we'd like if we get the money) , medicine kit, first aid kit, breast pump, breast milk storage containers, bottle warmer, drying rack, baby bath tub, wash cloths, thermometer, healthcare kit, oral health care kit, diaper genie and refills, backseat car mirror, backseat carseat protector, baby music, orajel, teethers, toys, window shades, highchair, and baby bottoms (jeans). We checked the stores and prices for all the stuff we have yet to get and it totals well over $500! We are hoping we can get the stuff before she gets here but we don't know if we can for sure ...

Besides the stress of getting everything we need, things have been good! I was tested for pre-eclampsia but it's not been diagnosed yet. My doctor is keeping an eye on everything. He says he thinks I am in a mild case of it but not severe enough to worry just yet. So they are just watching it for now. I have had less back pain thankfully! but more headaches! I now have a pain killer prescription to help with the pain and headaches. That has helped a lot! I have some moderate swelling in my lower legs and feet and mild swelling in my hands and face. Nothing serious or that noticable yet. Let's just hope it stays that way =-D ... my doctor is having me go in to the cardiac unit to be put under observation and tests. He wants to make sure I don't have a heart problem, bc I get dizzy and almost pass out and my heart races beyond belief! so they are checking on that too. I don't go in for that apt until the 25th of August.

Nathan and I are very excited and impatient for Allissondra to be born! We talk about it all the time and try to be as prepared as we can. We started taking Birthing classes last Thursday and have one every Thursday until Sept 10th. They are helpful but most of it is stuff that I already know from my baby books, but its nice to be able to ask questions and talk with someone who isn't in a rush like the doctor's.

We will be getting our bedding this week hopefully and we can't wait to set it up in the crib to get the final look =-D. Everything is coming together and we just can't wait for her to be here! I started packing my bags and diaper bag for the hospital. I almost have them competely done but still have a couple items left to get and pack. I will hopefully be done with the bags soon and have them put in the car and ready to go by the first week of September. Just in case we deliver early for some reason. It's nice to know that I have it together and won't forget anything important.

33 1/2 weeks down .... 6 1/2 weeks to go =-D

We are due October 2nd but keep your fingers crossed for the week of September 21st! Nathan has that week off work and we really want to deliver during that week.